Welcome to the 18th International Encaustic Conference
at Edgewood Farm in Truro, MA
Friday May 30, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am EDT
When do you embed actual objects – such as string, shells, glass, flowers, or a random shoe - into your encaustic paintings? When do you represent, abstract, or suggest images through mark making? Who has practiced these techniques over time? Do you pour wax to create a welcoming surface, or adhere them while painting? Together, we will explore these and other questions, issues, concerns, and fun in our practice.
avatar for Edith Beatty

Edith Beatty

Edith Beatty maintains a studio in the village of Waterbury, Vermont. An artist most all of her life, she concentrates now on painting with oil and wax, expanding her array of surfaces, pigments, and design. Edie was born in Boston and has lived predominantly in the Northeast. She... Read More →
Friday May 30, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

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