Welcome to the 18th International Encaustic Conference
at Edgewood Farm in Truro, MA
Saturday May 31, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Fine Art Paper Expert, Educator & Founder at Paper Connection International and the Art Annex, Lauren Pearlman teams up with nationally known artist, Milisa Galazzi to create this new conference format - a Visual Q&A. Lauren will physically show participants the basics of how paper is made IRL (in real life!). She will show how plant fibers are added to water and share the magic of pulling a sheet of paper from natural materials. Milisa will share how she uses Lauren's Japanese papers in some of her artwork. Together these inspiring teachers will answer the question, Why Paper and Encaustic by showing and telling conferees some of the behind-the-scenes joys and challenges of combining paper and wax. This format is different from a traditional demonstration because Milisa and Lauren will be sharing information about the materials and answering conferees' questions - they will not be making art in a how-to format. After attending this session early in the conference line-up, attendees can then visit Lauren's Japanese paper booth in the Vendor Room and possess a basic understanding of paper and how it supports working with encaustic.
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Lauren Pearlman

Paper Connection International
Lauren Pearlman Sugita (she/her/hers) has been a paper researcher, provider, educator,and maker for more than 30 years. In 1995, she founded Paper Connection International, LLC, a Providence, RI -based distributor of specialty art papers. Paper Connection has become an essential paper resource in North America- stocking mainly papers made from sustainable fibers made by traditional craftspeople. In addition to assisting artists find the ideal paper for their... Read More →
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Milisa Galazzi

Artist, Milisa Galazzi, is best known for her three dimensional hand sewn shadow drawings, her printed works on paper, and her richly layered abstract drawing and paintings - all of which explore the very nature of being human. Her work is held in private international collections... Read More →
Saturday May 31, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Upstairs in the Barn

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