Welcome to the 18th International Encaustic Conference
at Edgewood Farm in Truro, MA
Saturday May 31, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
What does it mean to make art in a time of turmoil? Can objects resonate beyond an artist’s private experience? Where and how can notions of the ecstatic be located in the studio and the work?  In light of social, political, and ecological change, tools are needed to envision art that can meet this moment, from intimate to global. If art is the expression of an individual experience of being in a body- and an act of empathy, can the studio become a space of transformation for artists and for the world? This talk/discussion will explore examples and strategies to strip away the unessential, and find ways to make work that is as urgent, honest, and close to the heart as possible.
avatar for Patricia Miranda

Patricia Miranda

Patricia Miranda is an artist, curator, and educator, and founder of MAPSpace, and The Crit Lab, project space and professional critique org. She creates objects and installations using found textile, books,and paper, altered with handmade natural dyes and pigments as form, process... Read More →
Saturday May 31, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Painting Studio

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