About me
Edith Beatty maintains a studio in the village of Waterbury, Vermont. An artist most all of her life, she concentrates now on painting with oil and wax, expanding her array of surfaces, pigments, and design. Edie was born in Boston and has lived predominantly in the Northeast. She earned a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Indiana University, and enjoyed an extensive career designing and leading programs to promote social justice and equity. She now shifts her focus to making works of art that convey that same struggle and hope. Continuing her lifelong quest for learning through relationships and dialog with artists, cadres, and friends, Edie is part of the Yellow Chair Salon based in New York City, a proud member of New England Wax, and more informally, two exhibiting groups - Wax Women and BADASS Painters. She has studied with fiber, design, and encaustic artists over a period of more than 30 years, and has completed residencies and master classes at Haystack School of Craft, Crow Barn, Fuller Craft Museum, Schoodic Institute, Maine Coast Encaustic Retreat, and Truro Center for the Arts. She has shown her work through curated and juried shows throughout Vermont, New England, and nationally. Her work showed spring and summer of 2023 at M David & Co Gallery in Brooklyn, NY, Cove Street Arts in Portland, ME, Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester VT, and the juried show at the 16th International Encaustic Conference in Provincetown, MA. Fall and winter pieces were exhibited at Axels Gallery and the Current. Now in 2024 her work hangs in the Southern Vermont Arts Center, and the Kathryn Schwartz Gallery in Cambridge MA. Edie lives with her husband, nestled into the Green Mountains of Vermont. There they enjoy inspiring views of the mountains, woods, and continual shifts in skies and weather patterns. When not painting, she cycles, kayaks, travels, cooks, and practices yoga and meditation.